Download 7-Zip Offline Installer Setup 64-bit for PC! For ZIP and GZIP formats, It provides a compression ratio that is 2-10 % better than the ratio provided by PKZip and WinZip.Supported unpacking: ARJ, CAB, CHM, CPIO, CramFS, DEB, DMG, FAT, HFS, ISO, LZH, LZMA, MBR, MSI, NSIS, NTFS, RAR, RPM, SquashFS, UDF, VHD, WIM, XAR, and Z.Supported packing/unpacking: 7z, XZ, BZIP2, GZIP, TAR, ZIP and WIM.

The unRAR code is under a mixed license: GNU LGPL + unRAR restrictions. Most of the source code is under the GNU LGPL license. With these tools, you can easily send large quantities of information or open compressed files you receive without hassle. 7-Zip 64-bit is a file archiver with a high compression ratio.